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But Some of Us Are Brave

We all have choices to make
We have to do what’s best for us
For some of us, that means doing what’s best for our families, communities, society, and the world.

While there are many Black women calling for sistas to divest, for sistas to “rest”, and for sistas to stop contributing their labor to others, there are many Black women who believe the fight is not yet over and we still have so much more work to do.

Black women are the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and cultural cores of our families and communities.

Black women are the bearers of culture and the guardians of liberation.

We can never, ever give up.

For the generations of Black women who gave everything they had for us to be where we are, we must resist. For our mothers, grandmothers, ancestral guides, we must resist. For our future, we must resist.

We do not get free when we retreat and throw our hands up. The fight for liberation isn’t easy; no one ever promised it would be.

If you want to bow out, I love you and I understand.

But if you still have fight left in you, for our babies, for our future, join me. Let’s build. Let’s hold space for conflicting emotions while we develop plans for how we get free. We need community now more than ever.

This radical space is solely for women and femme-identified people of the African Diaspora. Period.


December 15

Write-On! Creative Meet-Up